Serving Southern Wisconsin

Water Softeners

Hard minerals can be “hard” on your home. Soap scum and scale can be unsightly on your faucets and other fixtures throughout the home. Worst of all, hard water can shorten the life of appliances, fixtures, and your plumbing system, including your water heater. Cleaning and grooming also are more difficult, leading to dry hair and skin after a shower. Installing a water softener in your home can solve all these problems. These units have little to no maintenance, and they have a long life. Even lasting up to 20 years in some cases. Don’t waste your time with monthly fees renting a softener. Call us today for a free estimate!

Reverse Osmosis drinking water system

Reverse Osmosis or “R.O.” is a natural process that occurs in nature on a continuous basis. This happens so plants, trees and flowers attain their nutrients by using osmosis to draw water from soil. This process has been put into a microline system that can be placed at your kitchen faucet or even your fridge so you and your family can drink clean water. Reverse osmosis removes 99% of dissolved salts particles, colloids, bacteria, pyrogens from feed water. Not only are you drinking clean water, but you’re also saving time and money by going to the store and purchasing bottled water. This in turn is good for the environment because we are using less plastic. Call us for a free estimate on a Reverse Osmosis Microline system! 

Iron Filters

Iron filters remove stains and contaminants, and purify the water. Brown, tinged-colored glasses of drinking water or bright orange streaks in toilets and bathtubs are signs of an iron issue in your home. Iron can clog pipes, stain appliances, reduce household water pressure, and even ruin the taste of coffee, tea, and other beverages you enjoy. If you need a new iron filter or need your current unit serviced, give us a call. Our professionals can assist you with your iron issues. 

We can help with water heater repairs and installs. Call 920-541-3306.

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